4 Key Tips to Follow When Purchasing Used Heavy Duty Trucks

One of the most important choices you will have to make when buying a heavy-duty truck is whether you want a used or new vehicle. Both options are excellent, but each offers unique advantages and disadvantages. Many drivers and business owners choose used options mainly due to its money-saving aspect. However, the benefits of purchasing a used heavy-duty truck often outweigh the risks if you are careful enough to follow some wise purchasing tips. Read More 

Repairing Common Brake Problems

Brake repairs can be a vital type of repairs to have done to your vehicle. Any issues with the brakes that can impact their performance can pose a major safety risk that will have to be addressed. Leaking Brake Fluid A car's brake system will rely on fluid in order to manage the heat and friction that is generated when the brakes slow the vehicle as well as help to apply enough pressure to the pads to allow them to slow the vehicle. Read More